
Atomic structure power point
Atomic structure power point

  • All atoms of the same element are identical.
  • The theory proposed a number of basic ideas: He stated his theory in a lecture to the Royal Institution in 1803.
  • Dalton's theory was based on the premise that the atoms of different elements could be distinguished by differences in their weights.
  • Our world and the species within it have arisen from the collision of atoms moving about in such a whirl, and will likewise disintegrate in time.
  • Clusters of atoms moving in the infinite void come to form kosmoi or worlds as a result of a circular motion that gathers atoms up into a whirl, creating clusters within it these kosmoi are impermanent.
  • They move about in an infinite void, repelling one another when they collide or combining into clusters by means of tiny hooks and barbs on their surfaces, which become entangled.
  • Atoms, from the Greek adjective atomos or atomon, ‘indivisible,’ are infinite in number and various in size and shape, and perfectly solid. The atomists held that there are two fundamentally different kinds of realities composing the natural world, atoms and void. For, according to him, the bodies move by necessity through the force of weight." Again from Aristotle: "Democritus recognized only two basic properties of the atom: size and shape. Some are rough, some hook-shaped, some concave, some convex and some have other innumerable variations." 3). According to Aristotle: "Democritus and Leucippus say that there are indivisible bodies, infinite both in number and in the varieties of their shapes." Democritus says of atoms: "They have all sorts of shapes and appearances and different sizes.
  • Point #5 - Atoms are different in: 1).
  • atomic structure power point

    Point #4 - Atoms are homogeneous, with no internal structure.Point #3 - Atoms are completely solid.Point #2 - There is a void, which is empty space between atoms.These atoms CANNOT be further split into smaller portions. Point #1 - All matter is composed of atoms, which are bits of matter too small to be seen.Points that ancient Greek philosophers put forth that were to be the structure of the future atomic theory: For example, "Democritus of Abdera said that there is no end to the universe, since it was not created by any outside power." Due to complex circumstances beyond the scope of this lesson, the Catholic Church accepted Aristotle's position and came to equate atomistic ideas with Godlessness.

    atomic structure power point

    Although there is a fairly continuous pattern of atomistic thought through the ages, only a relative few scholars gave it much thought. Because of this, the atom receded into the background.

    atomic structure power point

    The idea of the atom was strongly opposed by Aristotle and others.He elaborated a system originated by his teacher Leucippus into a materialist account of the natural world. Democritus was one of the two philosophers of atomic theory.The earliest known Greek philosopher was Thales of Miletus. Greek philosophy was about 150 years old, having emerged early in the sixth century BC, centred in the city of Miletus on the Ionian coast in Asia Minor (now Turkey).The History of Atomic Structure Aliese, Aoife, Laurenĭemocritus and ancient Greek philosophy, circa 400-500 BCE

    Atomic structure power point